One of the key causes of poor digestion is a low level of hydrochloric acid (HCL). Having studied digestion thoroughly for both my Master's degree and certification as a Digestive Health Specialist, I can tell you it is true. I know that most people take antacids for things like heartburn and reflux because they think they have too much acid, but they actually don't have enough, especially if they are over 50. The truth is that stomach acid is very important and yet much of our diet and lifestyle interferes with the production of HCL.
Why do we need it? Our stomach acid production is triggered when we eat because our stomach needs to have a certain level of acidity to activate enzymes which break down proteins as well as to absorb many nutrients like B12, iron, and calcium. HCL helps destroy any harmful bacteria that get in our system (such as H. Pylori which can cause ulcers). When it is low we also increase our risk for stomach cancer and intestinal parasites.
Why do so many of us not make enough? The world we live in today is not good for our stomachs! Stress is the first thing that will hinder digestion. Eating on the run, not chewing, chronic over eating, and eating devitalized food all can take their toll. We put so much processed, refined junk in our bodies that are filled with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives and other artificial ingredients that over time our digestion is greatly hindered. We are designed for food made in nature - REAL food like fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, fish, etc. We also take many medications that hinder HCL production. These include all the antacid drugs, birth control pills, antibiotics, high amounts of sugar/refined carbohydrates, excess coffee, alcohol and marijuana use.
What can we do to IMPROVE our digestion?
- Slow down your pace of life! DE-STRESS! Make meal time a sacred time of relaxation and enjoyment.
- Include living food with every meal. Living food is fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables. Think SALAD! Food that is raw still has its digestive enzymes intact and will aid in digesting.
- Stop eating before you are full. It takes a LOT of energy, HCL and enzymes to digest a big meal.
- Chew your food till it becomes liquid. I know this is challenging, but at least make an effort.
- Consider taking Betaine Hydrochloride tablets with your meal. Contact me if you'd like more information.
- Begin drinking a glass of water with 1/4 to 1/2 of a lemon or lime squeezed in it with your meals. This will help stimulate HCL production.
- Before meals or anytime you have discomfort, try drinking a 1/4 cup of warm water with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in it. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is the best.