Friday, December 20, 2013

Natural Healing that can Revitalize Your Health!

    Our body is an amazing creation!  If you put into it all it needs and place it in a safe environment, it will keep you healthy and youthful.  If you neglect to feed the body all it needs, if you put into it toxic substances, and/or stick it in an stressful environment, your health will quickly become compromised.
    Most diseases are preventable, but our nation has made a huge mistake by focusing on relieving symptoms without addressing the root cause of disease.  What this is doing is creating a sicker and weaker society in which fewer and fewer people are doing the work and more and more people unable to work and instead requiring others to care for them.  I believe this is one of the reasons we are going deeper and deeper into debt.  Our government, in desiring to help relieve suffering, is actually creating more and more needy people because they never actually help the people get better. Plus, they help create illness by continuing to allow harmful ingredients to be added into our food. This ought not to be so!!
     Let’s change that picture and start putting into our bodies what they need to heal!  Here are five steps you can take to assist your body in rebuilding and rejuvenating itself. Eating like this for 30-60 days can be a great way to start the new year!
  1. Drink water, green smoothies, or freshly juiced vegetables instead of caffeinated beverages, soda, alcohol, or sugar filled juices.
  2. Delete junk food from your diet.  If you want to make huge leaps in your health then you must go 30-60 days without added sugar, salt, preservatives, artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors.  This covers most snacks and desserts! Remember, during this time fruit is your friend!  It will give you the sweetness you miss in a natural form that includes lots of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber! Miss your salt and crunch? Chew on a celery stalk!
  3. Cut out fried foods and rich sauces and soups.  Dairy is known to add lots of congestion to the lungs and sinuses so it is good to leave that out for the 30-60 days as well. Add in healthy fats like unsalted nuts, seeds,  avocado, olives, and coconut.
  4. Replace animal protein with plant protein.  Two great books to read are, The China Study and Eat to Live. These both explain how the typical American diet of daily animal protein is the very diet that is behind many cancers and heart diseases.  Going vegetarian for a few months will be powerful in letting your body heal.  You certainly want to get protein every day, but organic Edamame, Tofu, Peas, Beans, and Lentils are a great replacement during this time.  You can also add plant based protein powders into your green smoothies.  
  5. Eat a larger amount of raw, uncooked food than cooked food.  Juicing, Smoothies, Salads, fruit, and raw veggies should be about 60-75 % of your daily intake.  Add in vegan Soups, Stews, and casseroles to satisfy the desire for something warm and cooked.                                                    
Do you want some inspiration? Watch films like Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead , Forks over Knives, along with this presentation from the Mom of a child with Autism- Daughter Transformed with Change in Diet. These are three amazing examples of what healthy eating can do for you!!

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