Monday, December 1, 2014

WHICH IS MORE EFFECTIVE, Counting them OR Categorizing them?


A November 24th article in the New York Times shared how the F.D.A. is going to require restaurants to post calorie counts on their menus.  It states: "Health experts said the new requirements would help combat the Country's
obesity epidemic by showing Americans just how many calories lurk in their favorite foods." ( NY Times article)  

But WILL it make a difference? Is it just about cutting calories?  Certainly we need to be aware of how much we are eating, but will knowing the calorie count actually inspire you to make the healthiest choice? You can look at a menu to see which foods have the fewest calories, but those items may or may NOT be the healthiest options for you. 

Just for fun let's compare what 200 calories looks like for different foods.   



If you want more examples go here - What does 200 calories look like?

It is NOT just about calories.  Two people could each consume 2000 calories a day, but one could be of cola, chips, candy and donuts and the other could be fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans.  Which person do YOU think will be healthier?  Which one will actually lose weight? That's right, the person eating the most fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fish and (optionally) lean meats & poultry. 
 CONCLUSION - When you start to notice all the calorie listings at restaurants next year, make sure you ALSO look at the quality of those calories and choose the foods made in nature with the least amount of processing.  Make Nancy happy and "eat the rainbow" of fruits and vegetables every day! 

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