Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How Does a Busy Person Make Time for Healthy Living?

        Many people believe they don't have time to be concerned about health.  They think they can somehow get more accomplished and have greater success by ignoring the "natural laws" of health, as though they can elude the consequences of a fast paced, fast food, little sleep and little exercise lifestyle.  I want to point out several of the lies these folks are believing that will, in the end, sabotage their health AND their productivity. 

LIE 1. I get more work done by staying up late and not sleeping.
            Cortisol is a hormone that is released during stress. While it plays an important role in a crisis, if we have chronic stress and don't slow down to rest, it begins to have a negative effect.  This is what happens when we don't get enough sleep.  Our body needs sleep to rejuvenate and heal.  There are numerous processes that only occur during sleep.  Over time this can lead to lower immunity, poor mental performance, higher blood sugar, increased abdominal fat, and higher blood pressure.  All of these will make it harder to get work done and over time can lead to chronic health problems.  Take time now to care for yourself; you will find you are so much more productive when you are refreshed.  Begin adding on 15 minutes to the beginning and the end of your sleep and work your way up to 7-8 hours a night.           

LIE 2. I get more done if I skip meals and focus on my work.
            Skipping meals is like suffocating your brain cells.  You must get the proper nutrients and water to your brain for it to work properly so you will think clearly, remember well and concentrate fully.  When we live off of energy drinks, soda, and coffee we are stressing our adrenal glands and messing with the cortisol I mentioned above.  We need 64-80 ounces of water a day.  Caffeine and sugar dehydrate us, causing us to get tired and foggy in our thinking.  Not eating lowers our blood sugar and puts is out of balance so we get confused and irritable.  To stay alert, centered and productive we want to eat 3 meals a day containing a variety of fresh fruits, salads, vegetables, and plant or animal protein.  Snack on REAL food made in nature, not from a wrapper, box, or bag.  You will be amazed at how much more energetic and focused you feel when you get the water and nutrients your body needs to be its best.
LIE 3. I get more work done by staying at my desk than taking time to exercise.
            There are so many benefits to exercise that I can barely scratch the surface here.  When you start getting a good 30 minutes a day of exercise. you will find you actually think more clearly.  There is increased blood flow and oxygen going to your brain. You also begin to have more energy as your body gets stronger and more efficient. You will feel happier and less stressed because of the serotonin boost.  However, for exercise to be most effective you need to be getting enough sleep so your body can recover and you must get enough food and water to keep the cells fueled.
     So in the end, you have to decide to take the time for your health, realizing that not taking care of yourself in order to get more done will actually slow you down and decrease your efficiency and productivity in the long run. 

     If you would like more help adjusting your lifestyle and diet so you can be energized like never before,  I will be teaching a 5 class course with Howard Community College starting April 30th. Registration begins 2/27/2014.  Please email me for more information.  HLS@nancyparlette.com

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