What happened? I know exactly what happened. We both had way too much sugar. Refined sugar suppresses the immune system. We were eating poorly and then milling around with hundreds of people exposing ourselves to Lord knows how many germs.
Thankfully, once we realized what happened, we took good care of ourselves by resting, eating lightly, drinking water and herbal teas, and for me, going to the doctor. Yes, Nancy actually went to the doctor! So would you if you had conjunctivitis! I must give kudos to Patient First Urgent Care in Columbia! I was in and out in 45 minutes!
What other things can cause our body to be more susceptible to illness? Let's look at it from a different perspective. I am going to give you a list of
Five Things to Do if You Want to Get Sick:
1. Don't Sleep - If you want to wear down your body, make sure you stay up late and rise early so that you are tired all the time. This is a great way to get yourself sick.2. Don't Drink Water - When we get dehydrated our body cannot detox or refresh our cells very well. Do this for a while and your body will not function at its peak.
3. Get Really Stressed - Make sure you don't take a break from your work, keep your feelings bottled up and allow people to get on your nerves. This will do a great job messing with your body!
4. Eat lots of processed junk food - Let most of your diet be packaged refined foods that are full of sugar, artificial ingredients and trans-fats. Don't eat fruit, salad or vegetables. We had desserts with our meals and ice cream and sugary lemonade for a snacks; it worked perfectly for us.
5.Sit most of the time - Moving our muscles helps our lymphatic system remove toxins and waste from our cells and organs. Don't go walking or dancing or anything that could make you sweat if you want to keep down you immune function.
I hope this made you smile, but also inspired you to make some changes in your habits. Now that my husband and I have recovered, I have renewed motivation to stand strong against my sugar cravings! Being sick kept me from doing many things I wanted and needed to do. It was not fun and was far too big a price to pay for a few treats on a vacation! See for yourself how much better you will feel when you DON'T apply my getting sick guidelines.
I have a new Twitter account! Recognizing that whether we like it or not, our physical health impacts our emotional and spiritual health, I want to share spiritual and nutritional inspiration with the faith community to help folks stay on track with their health goals. It will be the same nutritional information but with an added faith dimension. Join and share my www.twitter.com/faithfoodHLS link.
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